
With a wealth of expertise and credentials, Dr. Floyd is a highly respected figure in his field. He is a dedicated member of the Indiana District 5 Resilience & Emotional Support Team and holds certifications in Critical Incident Stress Management, Acute Traumatic Stress Management, and as a Trauma Support Specialist. Jim has also been awarded certificates of specialized training in Emergency Services and Mass Disasters & Terrorism. His commitment to well-being and trauma support is further evidenced by his certifications as a Trauma-Informed Coach and as a Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher. Jim is also recognized as a Certified Humanistic Leadership Professional and holds Professional Certification in Trauma & Resilience.

Jim Floyd’s extensive knowledge extends to the realm of community health, where he holds the title of Indiana Certified Community Health Worker. He has completed rigorous training in various areas, including Stress First Aid, QPR Gatekeeper (suicide prevention), Psychological First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, Skills for Psychological Recovery, Crisis Informed Peer Support Para-Counseling, Applied Neuroscience, and more. His dedication to combating the opioid crisis is evident through his roles as an Opioid Paraprofessional and Opioid Overdose Educator & Naloxone Distributor.

Educationally, Jim’s impressive credentials include an Associate in Science degree from Regents College – The University of the State of New York, a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and a Master of Education degree from American InterContinental University, and his Doctorate in Healthcare Administration from Virginia University of Lynchburg, His academic interests encompass critical areas such as healthcare emergency preparedness, psychosocial safety, humanistic leadership, organizational stress & trauma, acute traumatic stress management, and crisis intervention.

Jim Floyd is a member of numerous professional organizations, including the National Association of Community Health Workers, the Indiana Community Health Worker Association, the International Critical Incident Stress Management Foundation, the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress Management, the American Institute of Stress, the Society for Theory and Research on Salutogenesis, the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Indiana Healthcare Executives Network, the International Humanistic Management Association, and the International Association of Applied Psychology.

With an exceptional blend of experience, qualifications, and dedication, Jim Floyd continues to be a driving force in the field of public safety, training, and healthcare preparedness, making substantial contributions to the well-being of individuals and communities alike. His multifaceted expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to his peers and colleagues in the industry.


NOTE: All content on this website is the opinion of Dr. James M. Floyd, Jr. and does not necessarily reflect the views of his employer.

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